Understanding Ramsar Sites


Haka Game Park Zimbabwe has been declared a Ramsar site along with other six Ramsar sites in Zimbabwe. A Ramsar Site is a wetland site designated to be of international importance under the Ramsar Convention also known as the Convention on Wetlands. A wetland is an area where water is the primary factor controlling the environment and the associated plant and animal life. Wetlands are known as Matoro/mapani in Shone, Amaxhaphozi Ndebele. When an area has been declared a Ramsar site, it has to adhere to the Ramsar Convection strict guidelines.  There are over 2 400 Ramsar sites in the world covering 2.5 million square kilometers. Ramsar aims to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve through wise use and management of those that remain.


Designated Ramsar Protected Wetlands Sites in Zimbabwe.

Understanding Ramsar Sites

  • Cleveland Dam ( Haka Game Park Zimbabwe)
  • Driefontein grasslands.
  • Middle Zambezi/Mana Pools
  • Lake Chivero
  • Monavale Vlei (Harare)
  • Chinhoyi Caves


How Human Activity is destroying Wetlands in Zimbabwe

Wetlands are under threat in most countries, worldwide. Human activity is the most dangerous to our natural environment. Our environment is meant to sustain us and we are meant to take care of it accordingly. The problem is humans exploit the environment without thinking of tomorrow. Some of the activities that are destroying wetlands;

  • Resource extraction – Deforestation
  • Farming activities
  • Illegal waste disposal
  • Road Construction
  • Commercial and Residential Development.

How to take care of Our Ramsar sites.

  1. Avoid using them for farming activities.
  2. Remove litter around the wetland.
  3. Constantly Plant trees.
  4. Observe the rules for the wetland when you visit for recreational purposes.